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The Bookmark Apology

by Fiona

I got into a big fight with my boyfriend. College just started and I guess we were both a little stressed out. I went to a keg party and had too much to drink and some guy was flirting with me and instead of telling him about my boyfriend I flirted back. This happened most of the night.

I knew I wasn't going to do anything but I enjoyed the attention and liked it and wasn't thinking straight because of the beer.

Anyway, my boyfriend found out and was mad. He didn't break up with me but he wouldn't talk to me or let me explain and apologize. I guess he needed some time to think about what he was going to do. I was so scared he was going to break up with me.

After two day when he still didn't talk to me I went over to his place and asked his roommates for the bookmark he uses in the book he reads before he goes to bed at night. They gave it to me and I decorated it with stick-on hearts and wrote on it and told him that I didn't want another night to go by without him knowing how sorry I was. Then I asked his roommate to put it back where it was.

Well he waited outside my place the next morning and as soon as I came out we talked it all out and I was able to explain things and tell him how sorry I was.

Comments for The Bookmark Apology

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Made My Own
by: Anonymous

I'm a crafter so I made an apology bookmark and placed it in my husband's book. He thought it was a great way of apologizing. He thinks I should make a bunch of them for the Xmas craft sale and that many people will buy them. What do you all think?

Great Idea!!!
by: The PA Team

Thanks for posting...

This would work well for married couples (or any couple)who share the same bed. You know the old saying that says... for a marriage to be successful, one should never go to sleep angry. Well, your bookmark apology would sure help out in that regard.

Thanks Again. I'm sure our readers will appreciate this idea.

What a Lovely Idea Fiona
by: Mariann

I will definitely be keeping this one in mind. What a lovely and romantic way to apologize.

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