Perfect Apology Monogram

My Apology to Her

(Waukesha, WI)

This is Us

This is Us

I miss my Ex-Girlfriend, I broke up with her earlier in the year because i was lost with football and school and friends and the whole deal. It was the biggest mistake of my life. She is having me call her and make me prove that I am really serious about getting back together with her. I have to do a big Apology and If anyone has any critiques...PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!

I am going to start off by taking her to the my car and telling her how sorry i am about letting her go and let her know that i will not let her go again. I'll have a dozen roses sitting in my trunk with a sorry card. Restating basically the same thing. Along with a card that says "Please Take Me Back".... Along with A bag of Mini Snickers cause that's something she likes......

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Good luck! :)
by: Anonymous

Make her go somewhere, somewhere where you prepared something for her. Basically saying, try out a cool and cute way of surprising her, that way you can say sorry.

For example, you can stick up sticky-notes all over her room walls with quotes or sorry words. Put chocolates on her bed or other things that she wants. Then maybe buy a sketchpad and draw the words you want to say if it's too hard for you to actually say them. The suckiest drawing you can ever do will definitely make her laugh. Or do something you've never tried on before :)) like sing for her even if you don't actually sing. Or dance maybe?

You don't need to spend a lot of money to make her feel special. Just be creative and always give her what she wants in a more unique way than what you, or other men used to do. :))

Tough moments to go through
by: Shaun "Juju"

I'm also having the same problem, and my gal seem not to understand. But anyway I'll keep on trying.I really love her.

by: Anonymous

ok don't repeat anything when you say sorry it loses meaning. and man sit down for dinner next time! for many reasons, eye contact! so important, take her to somewhere she loves so it shows you care, spend some money on her, hold her hand, and public area will keep her from getting worked up so it will be easier for you. look into her eyes as deep as you can and poor your soul into them and that's all you can do

by: Anonymous

You should become an apology expert. If she doesnt take you back after that apology than she'll really be missing out!!!!! :-)

by: KRS

Well thank you, It didn't happen and I still don't have her lol but thank you for the motivation =)

by: cy

u're awesome;)

by: Ashley L

Look at her ...there will be no time to waste, you maybe need more time with her..actually.
tell her and explain.. forget everybody else, and think as long as you have her you'll be fine!
...and you'll live life better.

taking you back

That's a great way to win her back!! I also think she would take you back. I would if my ex did that for me.

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