I'm Sorry For My Actions
by J.
I'm sorry that I signed-up for multiple dating websites in order to look at them and explore them and see what they were all about, even though we are married. I had no real intention of doing anything or meeting anybody or exchanging info with anybody, but I did look at those things, and when you found out, it justifiably hurt your feelings really bad.
I'm so sorry.
I never considered that you would ever know, I was deceitful in that way -- I acknowledge that now. I didn't think about it as deceitful then, just as private and personal and as curiosity and exploration.
I thought it was harmless, but when you found out, I saw that it was not harmless.
I learned that it would hurt your feelings and feel as a betrayal and that, because it felt as a betrayal, it was a betrayal.
I'm so sorry for being selfish and deceitful and secretive. I promise to never do this again.
I will never continue this; I hope that it will not come up any more because I don't want it to continue to hurt you, but I understand that I do not have control of whether it will come up.
I must accept the possibility and move on because my feelings of guilt and shame are eating me up. I need to let go and I hope my apology and promise can do help me to do that.
I'm truly sorry.
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