Perfect Apology Monogram

I'm Sorry For My Actions

by J.

I'm sorry that I signed-up for multiple dating websites in order to look at them and explore them and see what they were all about, even though we are married. I had no real intention of doing anything or meeting anybody or exchanging info with anybody, but I did look at those things, and when you found out, it justifiably hurt your feelings really bad.

I'm so sorry.

I never considered that you would ever know, I was deceitful in that way -- I acknowledge that now. I didn't think about it as deceitful then, just as private and personal and as curiosity and exploration.

I thought it was harmless, but when you found out, I saw that it was not harmless.

I learned that it would hurt your feelings and feel as a betrayal and that, because it felt as a betrayal, it was a betrayal.

I'm so sorry for being selfish and deceitful and secretive. I promise to never do this again.

I will never continue this; I hope that it will not come up any more because I don't want it to continue to hurt you, but I understand that I do not have control of whether it will come up.

I must accept the possibility and move on because my feelings of guilt and shame are eating me up. I need to let go and I hope my apology and promise can do help me to do that.

I'm truly sorry.

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Me Too! #metoo
by: Arlene

I sincerely apologize for my actions, I realize I was being incentive I did not mean any disrespect or to harm you mentally, nor physically.

I realize that my actions were inappropriate, immature, inexcusable, and disrespectful to your well being. I understand that what I did was very much out of line and very unacceptable.

It was not my intent to damage or inconvenience you. I have never once made a mistake of such magnitude. I understand that it was only the fault of mine that hurt you, and that of no one else.

I am to blame, and no one else.

I have festered and nurtured a deep regret for the actions I committed against you, my loving spouse.

I understand that I made a severe lapse in judgment and have reflected on my actions with utmost amounts of care and thought and I only hope you can believe me when I say that I have learned from this experience, and that I'm truly sorry.

It has been a hard lesson but an important one. I give you my utmost respect, my dignity, and my pride.

I hope you accept the deepest most sincere apology I could possibly give in my mortal state. I hope you will come to understand that I have acknowledged my grave mistake and hope to make amends and repair our relationship at some point in the near future.

If not, you may see to my life within the mortal plane as you see fit. May that be banishment from society or burning at the stake, I shall take your punishment without regret, nor hesitation. That is the very least I can do, because there is simply no excuse for hurting and betraying you the way I did.

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