Perfect Apology Monogram

I Am Sorry Mom and Dad

by Jamiah H.

Dear Mom and Dad... I want to apologize. I am writing this because it is hard for me to say what I need to, to you face to face. Its been hard for me to talk to y'all honestly. I know I have made the wrong choices these past couple of months and I am sorry. I'm sorry I have not been the best daughter ever lately. I have taken advantage of the chances you guys have given me.

I know you both expect a lot from me and want the best for me but I have lost your guys trust and I DO understand why.

I wish I could meet your expectations on who you want me to be. I am also disappointed in myself because like mom always says I do always mess things up for myself. I do, and I will admit that.

I was crying Saturday after y'all went to work because I just felt like I wasn't wanted here after mom talked to me. I also erased what dad said on my mirror because I felt like you DON'T love me anymore. Which I could understand why you wouldn't.

I really don't like when the both of you are mad at me but I know I've hurt y'all, and for that I'M SORRY!

I love y'all so much, even though I never say it and y'all may not feel the same about me anymore. I wish for forgiveness from the both of you.

Mom... Clearly I'm not the daughter you wanted so I want to fix myself for you. I want to be the daughter you want me to be. I'm sorry I haven't been and love you so much.

Dad... I am apologizing to you because I know I have really let you down badly. I'm sorry for leaving you with nothing to say because of how disappointed you are in me.

I'm sorry for hiding things I shouldn't have from both you and mom. I really do feel I have let you down big time.

Most of the time you are the one person that is/was proud of me.

Now I feel like you can't even say that you are anymore. It's hurting me that you're not really talking to me like before. I really feel like our bond is going away.

That's something I wish would never happen to us, because I need you dad. I'm sorry I hurt you and I love you so very much.

Comments for I Am Sorry Mom and Dad

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by: Anonymous

Did not help with my situation but still a good letter.

this is really professional
by: ._.

This is a really good quality apology letter for your mom and dad.

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