Apology Letters: Saying Sorry To Friends & Family
Being at odds with friends and family can make you feel isolated. They're our closest relationships and often, the people we spend most of our time with.

Writing an apology letter for hurting someone you love and wanting forgiveness and to make things right again is only natural. When friends and family are involved, a meaningful and sincere apology is the only way to go.
Apology Letters to Friends & Family
Get inspired by these apology letters to parents, grandparents, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters and friends or post an online apology letter for your friend or family member.
Creeper Chaos Cleanup: My Apology To My Minecraft Pals
Hey Everyone... I hope you've been having some epic adventures in Minecraft since our last play session. I've been doing some thinking since our last session, …
I Kinda Suck
Ello!... I was in a tough period in my life when we first met and apologize for my behavior during that time. Although things haven't magically improved, …
Apology Letter To A Friend
Everything just fell apart, we argued and argued and argued. I know I’m probably the last person you want to hear from, but please hear me out. I don't …
Terribly Sorry for the Pain I Caused
Dear Sarah...It has taken me almost three years to finally come to terms with the damage I’d caused and to take ownership of my own actions, and of course …
Everyone, I'm Sorry
I'm terribly sorry to anyone and everyone I hurt. I'm a jerk to everyone I meet. I always find a way to get myself involved into drama and think I'm better …
Alcoholism & Drug Abuse: Admission of personal & professional misdoings.
I have beef emotionally bankrupt since early childhood (since I was self awareness) I have always felt lost and as an outsider.
This was not the fault …
To my Classmate, Friend, Sister & Potential Business Partner
I must acknowledge that this letter comes very late, but hopefully not so late that you’re unwilling to consider restoring our friendship. Since December …
I Wish I Had It To Do Over Again
Dear John... There is SO much to say. I was so selfish and clueless, I took you for granted. I look back at photos and I can see the change in you, you …
Sorry Mom and Dad
I'm so sorry for always being a burden to you, never living up to your expectations of me, and just generally putting you through hell because of my stupid …
Sorry Friend
Dear E... It's been years since we last spoke, and I was the one to put the nail in the coffin after you tried for weeks to work through the issues within …
I'm Sorry For My Words
I am so so sorry for what I did and I urge you to hear me out. Even though you never want to hear from me again I feel I owe you an explanation as to whatever …
Sorry To A Friend
I don't know why we drifted apart. I'm sorry that I had brought you into something that wasn't your place or fault. Even though I'm mad at (person) I shouldn't …
I'm Sorry I Couldn't Be A Good Person To You
I don't know how to start, I've been harboring so many feelings ever since you blocked me. I never blamed you for it by the way. I have realized that I …
Apology Letter To My Brother
Christian, I know the last thing you want to hear right now is an apology from me but I want you to know that I am dead serious. I shouldn't have been …
From your Daughter, I'm Sorry
Dear Mom and Dad... For my fast I have given up rap music and some country. I've been listening to mostly Christian music it's made a bigger impact on …
Lartă-mă, te rog
Chiar dacă am "rezolvat" problema, știu că m-am comportat incredibil de urât și nu trebuia să îți fac asta. Îmi pare sincer rău, și o spun din suflet. …
Apology Letter to Mom and Dad
Mom and Dad I hope you still love me. It’s clear to see I've made the last half of this year hell for the both of you and I am sorry. I'm a disappointment …
Mom & Dad I'm Sorry I Love You
Dear Mom and Dad... I know you probably won't see this, but I'm so sorry for making so many mistakes. Last night, I hated how you yelled at me, because …
I Understand Now—I'm Sorry My Eating Disorder Tore Us Apart
To my former best friend... I'm so sorry for how my behaviors and emotions hurt you. I was too busy burying myself in my eating disorder to see how it …
I Am Sorry Mom and Dad
Dear Mom and Dad... I want to apologize. I am writing this because it is hard for me to say what I need to, to you face to face. Its been hard for me to …
My Great Regret
Mikka S., out of respect for your privacy, I won't post your last name. I'm writing this today to say I'm sorry. You may never see this apology and even …
My Best Friend, I'm So Sorry
I know I made it seem like what I said was your fault, but it was never your fault. I was lying to myself and it was easier to blame you than to realize …
I'm Sorry for Everything
I'm a bad person. Or am I? All I know is, I'm just as conflicted as all of you. Just as conflicted as all the people I have loved, will love and am not …
I Want To Be Ready
Hey Sammy, I miss talking to you. Even platonically it was amazing. I know I messed things up recently by confessing how much I miss you. I think you deserve …
To German, Sorry For Causing You Pain
Five months is too little time for me to bring up the courage to forget you. We really went from texting every second of the day and being excited to hang …
I'm Sorry ABS
This is my heartfelt apology written by me to you, for all the insensitive things I've said and done. Please forgive me for my past behavior... I would …
An Apology From Your Daughter
To my parents... I'm sorry for being a screwed up daughter. I'm sorry for hiding Miguel from you. I'm sorry for making both of you cry last night (and …
A Long Overdue Apology
To Mariah W... I know you will probably never see this. But I need to say it. I'm sorry for everything I did and hurting you in high school. I was a naïve …
My Deepest Regret from Childhood
I was seven when I heard the news I was going to move away. I was eight when I actually did move. And no one even cared enough. I loved my friends dearly, …
An Apology To My Best Friend, I'm Sorry
I wanted to say sorry for what I did because I know what I did to you was horrible and I can't just let you go without an apology. While I thought I would …
To My Parents, Sorry For Being A Failure and A Disgrace
Dear Mom and Dad... I know I have been acting very badly and it's causing you guys a lot of stress. I know I'm doing very badly in school. I know that …
I'm Sorry Patrick
I am sorry. I don't want you to think that I'm saying those words lightly. For you they may be cheap words but I really mean them. I am so sorry. I know …
A letter to Dad and an Apology to Myself
Hey dad... I was wondering where are you right now? What are you doing? But I will never know because you won't reply if I text you .. even if you do I …
Friends and Forgiveness
It's never too late to apologize to a friend. Holding on to the past and feeling a deep sense of regret only hurts us in the end. By saying sorry and admitting …
Soul Level Apology
Hey Beautiful Soul... I am truly sorry for not knowing or understanding your intentions at a soul level. I was just viewing you on a superficial level, …
So Sorry for Lying
I am deeply sorry for lying to the best people in my life, I was in over my head and didn't know how to pull myself out. I am so darn sorry for being a …
Apology Letter to a Really Good Friend
Dear Lisa... I am really sorry and I know that doesn't even begin to make up for my awful treatment of you. I just hope you've been okay, and made new …
My apology Letter to Val P.
Dear Val...I can’t say this to you in person because I have no idea where you are. I’ve looked for you over the years but never found you. I don’t know …
An apology to a dear friend, Andre
Dear Andre...You stumbled upon this original post and whoever is reading this is now seeing a completely different version because you wished to have it …
Apology To My Stepmom Denise
This apology letter is for you Denise....Over the past year I have done nothing but cut you out of the happenings of my life. To an extent, we still don't …
Mi Dispiace
I giorni di buio... Sono qui per chiarire ed ammettere. Quando sono venuta qua su a vivere ero giovane e piena di sogni. Con il tempo tutto ha fatto vedere …
Heartfelt Apology Letter to Sam
Dear Sam, You deserve more than a letter, but I know that a face to face is out of the question. Given the chance I would. I want to apologize for last …
I'm Sorry for Lying
Telling my story hurts, not just because it is incredibly embarrassing, but because I've hurt someone really badly. Here it is for all the worlds to see. …
If Only There Was A Time Machine. I'm Sorry.
Dearest Chloe... I don't know how to contact you because you won't speak to me in person, the people around you hate me for my actions and ultimately I …
Dear Danielle, I am Sorry.
You were there for me when no one else was. You were my soul mate when we were growing up. You were my everything. I used to look forward to seeing your …
I will always miss you
I am sorry for sending this to you. I know you don’t want to hear from me, but I haven’t been able to eat for days, and a real professional person told …
Apology Letter To My Brother
I've always admired the way you are honest and have a smile on your face. Your whole attitude is innocent and contagious. But for several years, I have …
My Apology Letter, I'm Sorry Dad
Dear Dad... I’m writing this letter as an apology for my unessential behavior. I don’t really know where to start, I have so much to say but don’t know …
Apology Letter for Wronging You
I had never really met a friend who was a sweet as you were, a girl who was so unique and fun to be around and as beautiful as you were... That is why …
Apology Letter to Friends and Family
From Evamarie: Over the last year or so, I have come to realize just how much I have hurt the people I love the most by shutting everyone out of my life. …
I'm sorry Sarah
Hey Sarah. You probably don't want to speak to me I understand. I just want to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being such a terrible friend and leaving you …
One last thing, I'm sorry.
Never in another lifetime could I have imagined how drastically my life would change in such a minuscule amount of time. For once in my life, I can say …
Apology Letter to Chloe
Chloe where do I begin? I suppose I'm sorry is where to start. I am so sorry. I should have just been there for you like I always would have. You have …
I'm sorry for not being myself.
It's funny how the two of us get along so well and have swapped so many traditional roles. I'm sorry to say that "regularly" being a total jerk and getting …
My Precious Little One
For my precious son or daughter. I can't apologise enough for what I'm going to do. You must understand that I'm just not ready for the responsibility …
Apology Letters: Being Truly Sorry
RV from Canada writes... I'm truly sorry. I know you probably hate me right now and I don't blame you. I still have not forgiven myself and I don't think …
Apology Letter to Karla
Karla... I realize that you want me out of you're life because of all that I have done to hurt you and that you hate me now and don't want anything to …
Apology Letter To A Friend
Michelle... I realize you hate me now and you don't want to have anything to do with me or our friendship anymore. I accept that. But before I go away …
My Apology Letter to a Very Special Friend
To my dear friend who I hurt terribly and miss so badly... I just want to say I'm sincerely sorry for putting you through my overdose. I know I made it …
An Alcoholic's Apology Letter To His Son
My dear son... I am deeply sorry for being an alcoholic for your entire childhood, all the way up to now when you are 15. You are such a good, gentle, …
An Apology Letter to Eric
Dear Eric—The Man with an Amazing Voice... I am so very truly and deeply sorry for all the pain I caused you in the past. It was not your fault. …
An Apology Letter to Nina
Dear Nina...I've thought long and hard about what you told me last night. I thought long and hard about it this morning. I'm thinking long and hard about …
It was all my fault
Dear H. Kong... It was 7 months since I last met you. We didn't talk at all that night when I was about to leave. I couldn't sleep because the cab was …
An Apology to Dad & Donna
Dear Dad and Donna... I know that I have been a selfish fool. I am so full of disgust for my behavior ... more so over the past 24 hours but definitely …
To my Parents
Dear Mom and Dad... When I was born, I can only imagine the amount of joy, love, trust and devotion that I brought to you both. For my entire life you …
I am so sorry, I never meant to hurt you...
Nicholas... I am so sorry. I should never have looked into your personal stuff and I did. It was wrong, so very wrong. I have hated myself since that day. …
I'm sorry bestie, I really really am.
Best friend? I hope you're okay. I really don't know what to say. There's so much going on right now, my mums ill, she hasn't been feeling well for ages …
Sorry for my shortcomings as a parent
My dearest dearest children... I've been doing a great deal of thinking over the last few days, although to the world I have been decorating and cleaning. …
I took advantage of your kindness
Dear John,
I'm sorry for having shared inappropriate personal things with you about the problems in my marriage. It was wrong and unfair of me to keep …
I'm Sorry For Being Me Right Now
Dear B...I know you'll never see this and I'm glad for that. I don't want you to, but no one I talk to really helps me and I thought maybe this would. …
To Jessica...I'm Sorry
There's been so many times that I've wanted to say this to you, even in person, but I haven't had the guts to know how yet, so I'm going to start here, …
Im Sorry
From day one, you were a person who never treated me wrong. I was in a situation in which several people gave me a hard time and/or wouldn't give me the …
To my beautiful friends and family whose forgiveness I don't deserve
Guys, I am SO sorry for what I did. The way I acted and lied was insensitive, unfair on all of you, and just downright selfish. I don't have any excuses …
A Letter to the Friends of my Love
Dear Friends of my Love...There were a few minutes yesterday, perhaps an hour, that were the happiest moments of my life. He proposed! The feelings flooding …
Apology from a Bully
Dear Boots... I don't know where you are, or even what your real name is now. But I know that more than half a century ago I bullied you. As my life draws …
I Died Inside That Night
To my good old friend Apple L. I don't even know if you are going to read about this because darn-it it's the "internet"! But, I'm apologizing for things …
A Letter of Apology to my Beautiful Son
Dear C... You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. The day I saw that pregnancy test was the day you saved my life. That day I threw up, sobered …
Sincere Apology Not Acknowledged
Several months ago I was asked in an email by a now former friend not to contact her again. What prompted her email was what I realize in hindsight was …
Life is like a Roller Coaster
I know you will probably never see this message Kim. I tried to send it to your e-mail address tonight but it's no longer active. I wanted to reach out …
Apologies To Parents
It's common to feel the need to apologize to our parents—sometimes it's for things we've done wrong & sometimes it's because we don't feel that …
Apologies and Family
Sometimes we treat strangers better than we treat those we love the most. When that happens (and it happens to the best of us) the only thing we can do …
Apologies To My Friends
Apology letters to friends and best friends are more often than not fraught with emotion and caring. We often take those closest to us for granted and …
Apology To My Son
To my Dear son Jeff... I want to apologize to you from the depths of my soul for how my actions became so totally out of control, resulting in tremendous …
An Apology To Victor
Dear Victor...I am sorry if I ever made you feel like I didn't care about you. But you were my best friend, you ARE my best friend and to be honest you …
A Misunderstanding
When my husband and I discovered that we needed to move (again) because we could not afford our condo in Florida I posted a message on FACEBOOK about our …
An Apology For A Really Dear Friend...
Hi guys, I know my story is long but it has been affecting me everyday so can you please read it. Thank you very much. I've been really good friends with …
Apology To A Dear Friend
My dear friend... I know I have made some pretty serious mistakes during the course of our acquaintance and friendship. There are quite a few so I will …
You Brought Me To Life
To my Parents,
I know that I hurt you, I disobeyed you. I knew before that what I was going to do was wrong, and I still did it.
Now I live every …
An Apology To Beanie
Dear Beanie... I really don't know what else to do, so I am putting this apology out there for all the world to see. Perhaps the universe's powers might …
We All Make Mistakes.
I've finally realised we all make mistakes...but does that mean we give up? The answer to that is no. We all have and will make mistakes, but we don't …
Spotty Apology!
I am 21, but when I was in primary school I was really spotty and well I still am. Anyway, when I moved up to secondary school, me and my best friends …
All of us, who have lived a certain amount of life, have at least a few things to regret. Some things we wish we had done or not done, some sentences we …
The day I had my son
They day I had my son my one true love broke my heart. We were together for almost a year until that day. I was lying there in my hospital bed and he said …
Hurting someone you care so much about it, is an added burden to the infraction that you've already committed. A simple "I'm sorry" is rarely enough.

You need to let your friends and family know what you're sorry about and that you understand how it made them feel in order to demonstrate how important the relationship is to you.
You not only need to show them that you're aware of what you did but also express regret for it, accept responsibility, and find a way to make it up to them. Finally, you need to ask for forgiveness.
Many people find it easier to write it all out in an apology letter rather than having to think on their feet while apologizing—so whatever you feel will work best for you and your situation is likely the best way to go.
Need help? Learn how to apologize sincerely.