Perfect Apology Monogram

Apology Love Letters and Taking Responsibility

Below are two different letters of apology submitted by our readers. In both cases, the writers take responsibility for their actions and the problems in their relationships. Although they aren't what we would consider perfect apologies since they don't include all all the ingredients we out outline on the site, they do appear to be heartfelt.

From Lerato (Dobsonville)

I'm Sorry My Gusiev

Dear Hloni

I know you think I don't love you anymore or that I do not care about the relationship anymore but all that is not true. I love you wholeheartedly and I do not want to lose you.

We've been through so much together and I'm not going to give up on us now. I'm going to do everything in my power to get us back on track because you're the only man I want to wake up next to, the only man I see myself spending the rest of my life with, the only man I want to have family with and I hope you feel the same way.

I know the things I've done have left you doubting anything I tell you but I want you to know that I'm sorry for the disrespect, the fights and also leaving the relationship in a bad place.

I messed up and I'm going to do all I can for us to be happy again.

You came into my life and you showed me love, because of you I know how it feels to be wanted, loved, appreciated and cherished.

You're an amazing man--always going out of your way to make me happy, doing things that nobody in this world had done for me and I'm grateful for that.

Hope you find it inside your heart to forgive me.

From Jessica Skeyi (Kuruman, Northern Cape, South Africa)

The Blame's on Me...

Babe, I'm sorry for everything. I know what I did was bad. Every ounce of respect you had me was lost the minute you read those texts on my phone. And I'm truly sorry that I made you feel stupid and insecure.

I'm sorry I used you, it wasn't my intention. I didn't know what I was getting myself into and now I've lost the only person that ever loved me and that love we shared was real. I could see you never gave up--the fights, the lies, the innocent faces. It was all my fault! I'm not ashamed to say that you can put the blame on me.

I apologise from the bottom of my heart ...

From Jaimie

Sorry for everything...

Okay so I've been dating my boyfriend for a year now. At the start of our relationship he cheated on me with two different girls.

His excuse was he thought I was cheating and also that he was insecure. I had been texting my ex boyfriend on and off for a few months recently. I never physically cheated on him. He found out and will not forgive me.

I have tried everything. He keeps asking me why and I don't have an answer other than "I messed up" He thinks it's all his fault and I don't know how to change that. Here's my apology.

Nick, I am ashamed of what I did. The lying and the hiding and the cheating. I have caused you a lot of damage and I sincerely apologize.

I love you so much. I was feeling lonely and lost in our relationship.

I take full responsibility for what I've done. What I did was the dumbest and most selfish thing a person could do, and I will never do it again. This probably doesn't mean much to you now, but I will show you.

You will say you've heard this a thousand times, but I will once again prove it to you. I want this more than anything. I love you always.


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