The Apology Love Letter | How To Say Sorry To Your Love
When it comes to love and marriage, a genuine apology letter often shares similar qualities to a traditional love letter. Within this context, any passion-filled message expressing heartfelt remorse and explaining how sorry you are can be considered an apology love letter.

Saying sorry to your husband or wife, lover or 'Ex' is never easy because there's so much at stake. As a result, writing an apology letter for hurting someone you love is much more difficult, because passion and heartache always leads to greater regret and remorse.
That doesn't mean that apologizing to friends and family who you love is easier, because when love is involved it's never easy.
Apology Letters of Love Written By Others
Get inspired by these apology letters to a husband, a wife, lover, spouse or partner. Or, post your own online apology love letter.
The 27 Club
Hey... Today I am writing. I feel like I have a lot to say and also it's time that I say it. I am honestly not very proud of how I am not able to deal …
I'm Sorry For My Actions
I'm sorry that I signed-up for multiple dating websites in order to look at them and explore them and see what they were all about, even though we are …
Es tut mir leid, mein Schatz. Ich entschuldige mich.
Schatz es duet mer so leid für wini mi gester benoh ha. I ha mi nomou für mi unpassend und unnötig Joke wöue entschuldige und derfür wini mi verhaute ha …
Move On From A Toxic Relationship
Of the many toxic relationship quotes that exists, this one really hits home. It's simple, clear and reveals a truth we all know and understand.
Sometimes …
From the Bottom of My Heart, I'm Sorry Cecilia
Cecilia... I know my mistakes, and I own them. I doubt you'll ever find this, but at least my conscience will be partially relieved for having written …
Nobody Could Ever Hate Me More Than Myself
Four and a half years ago you sent me a message asking if I wanted to come over and hang out. You said you weren't sure if we were ever going to see each …
Apology To A Love Lost
I don't even feel 'sorry' is the right word even though I feel horrible about the things I've done and words I've spoken. Maybe I'm too screwed up in the …
I'm Sorry Tiger Lily
Fat ass, repulsive, not worth your time are just a few of the final words spoken to me. Scary thing is you're right. Four years off and on laughs, jokes, …
Sigh, I'm So Sorry
I have both things to apologise for and people to apologise to. Firstly, I'm sorry to all the people I have lied to over the years. I'm not just taking …
Broken Heart Apology
To the love of my life... For the past twenty three years you have been my rock, my love, my heart and soul. Any woman could not be lucky enough to have …
Apology Letter to My First Love
We all remember our first love. We think of them often throughout our lives. For some of us, those first loves come with feelings of regret or remorse …
My Apology to Timothy
Dear Timothy...I'm writing to you through this only because I have cut off all possible ways for me to contact you. Yes, including the accidental FaceTime …
Please Forgive me
Asking for forgiveness is universal and part of what makes us human. It comes from feelings of deep regret and remorse when we realize the impact of …
To The One Who Loved Me Like No Other
To the man I prayed for a future with... There are so many thoughts and feelings flowing through my mind and body, yet I sit here with no words to describe …
Shannon I am Sorry, I Know We're Soulmates
Shannon... I made a mistake at the infancy of our relationship and I still regret it to this day and probably will forever. I lied about something I thought …
Sorry for My Outburst and Words
I am sorry for the way I acted yesterday, and the way things happened. I unfortunately can't erase the unkind words and the way I said them. I pray you …
My Most Sincere Apology Letter to You
Please accept my most sincere apologies. I'm so sorry for always being emotionally abusive to you and ruining every promise I've ever made to you. I only …
Sorry to You, Your Family and Friends
I hope you hear me out...I'm sorry for hurting your feelings and being defensive every time you called me out for the wrong things I've done to you, your …
I’m So Sorry, My Love, My Husband
My dearest husband... It is so difficult to know where to begin, how to consolidate and make sense of two decades worth of time together, during which …
Trust and Manipulation My Promise
I want to say first off. I am sorry for everything I have done. I know forgiveness is not easy. Regaining your trust will be the hardest thing I ever do. …
To my Ex-Husband, I'm Sorry
An apology letter to an ex-husband, regardless of how things ended in your marriage, is a great start to getting closure. Below are two letters of apology …
Apology for Hurt Feelings
Let me start this letter by saying I never, ever, ever meant to hurt your feelings. It's the last thing I would ever want to do. If you don't believe anything …
Am Sorry Honey, I Love You So Much
I'm sorry I am constantly fighting everything. Right now, it feels like I am in a never-ending battle with myself. I am by no means good enough for you …
My Apology Letter to Hilary
"What I've been wanting to say, please read" - HJK circa 2005. I want to be clear from the start. The only motives I have are the following: Selfishly, …
I Will Always Be Your Bubs
This is for the girl that I fell in love with. You we're my best friend and I never thought the day would come that you would walk away from me. I should …
A Christian Wife's Apology Letter
My Dearest Husband, I wounded you... Permit me still to call you my husband. I think of you always as such. I am not quite sure where to begin, but wherever …
My Public Apology Letter to my Wife
To my wife...I don't know where to start nor do I know how to put that which I feel into typed words. It won't be perfect but it will come from my heart. …
So Very Sorry My Love
Apologies and love know no boundaries. These two love letters express how sorry the writers are. They remind us all that regardless of gender, geography …
My First Apology Letter to My Lost Love
Hi Sabina...With lots of courage, I am filling this white sheet of paper with purple ink as to let you know that there are not enough words to describe …
My Truth, My Apology to the Woman of my Dreams
To My Dearest Wei Qing... Words are meaningless if no one can see them, or if there is no truth can be found. This is my truth and my apology to the woman …
An Apology Letter to My First of Everything
Dear A.J.A. -- We were each other's first love. You were my first true friend and confidant. You wrote me beautiful heartfelt poems and letters. Each word …
An Apology To The Love Of A Lifetime....
To the love of my life... If I had the ability to turn back time and take back everything that happened I would do it in a flash and never think that what …
Apology to my Wife, I'm Sorry - Your Husband
Sonya... I know no amount words could express how truly sorry I am and how much regret I feel. I do not know how I could have been so foolish and for so …
Sorry From Your Undeserving Husband
I can’t remember the last time I wrote you a true love letter, from the heart that flowed easily. It seemed so easy at first, but it seemed to get harder …
A Letter to Julie from her miserable husband Matthew
I can never begin to make up for the way I have treated you. I know that the anguish and anger I see in your eyes is caused by me. You are a perfect match …
I'm Sorry, A Letter of Love that will Never Fade
My Darling Jason... I have sent this letter several times. There are letters posted in several apology forums, etc but need to actually send it to you …
Love of my Life Jason P
My Darling Jason... I'm writing this message because I cannot live with the way I hurt you. I never thought I would ever tell you the truth or explain …
A heartfelt apology letter. I miss you, my love.
I never want you to feel this pain again. I miss you, my love Savannah... I am writing you this because you deserve a real apology. I knew from the beginning …
Apology Letter to Helen from Your Transgender Ex
Helen, I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for every time you told me you loved me and I never said it back.
I'm sorry for …
Apology Letter to an Abusive Husband
To my Husband RJ... I expect my words to be ignored and ridiculed. I expect my deepest feelings to be unimportant. I know what I say means nothing. Even …
Sorry For Being Pushy
Dear Mt... I realize I cant imagine all the stress you have been going through between work, school, myself, and others. I don’t want to be selfish and …
My Back Handed Apology Letter, for the End of My 25 Year Marriage
My Dearest Ed, Husband of 25 years ... I am not going to apologize for anything I have said or done during our breakup. You have been a horrible man, trying …
An Apology Letter to My Ex
It started out with missing you. The distance was hard. Not at first, but as the years went on, I developed feelings for others. I wouldn’t call them feelings, …
An Apology Letter to the Love of My Life
It's 2am and I am in bed thinking about you, again. I'm thinking about what we could have been. Before I pour out my entire heart and soul to you, I want …
I’m Hurting
We were so innocent, our love was so strong we could never be separated. You had my heart, I had yours, we smiled laughed and just had fun. Everything …
Apology Letter to Sal
Dear Sal, AKA (Babe, chiquito, Daddy, Ma sexy beast, Mi Papi)... I feel so terrible and don't even know where to start. I guess I'll start with how I ended …
So Sorry, My First Love
Dear Samantha... I'm truly sorry for hurting you and making you feel like our relationship was a mistake. I'm sorry for making you believe you had no life …
Apology Love Letters and Taking Responsibility
Below are two different letters of apology submitted by our readers. In both cases, the writers take responsibility for their actions and the problems …
I'm so sorry if I leave you hanging
Dear Paul... We're still together now but I'm thinking of breaking up with you. I have a lot of issues and it seems that you don't care anymore. I don't …
An Apology Letter to My Wife
Melanie... I am so sorry for they way I have been behaving lately. I just have so much doubt in everything. You have always been the constant in my life, …
Sorry Will Never Be Enough
Here are two letters of apology from our readers on being sorry for something we've done or didn't do. When it comes to personal relationships, we often …
Light of my life
For E., she knows... You are the woman who made me smile when I forgot how to. I fell in love with your mind, that's what did it and also how you could …
I Never Wanted To Hurt You
It's 1am and I am in bed thinking about you, again. I'm thinking about what we could of been if I didn't make that silly mistake. I wish I chose you over …
Big Regrets in Love and Life
Where I do I begin. I guess from the start. I know it doesn't seem that way but I never meant to hurt you never meant for things to go the way they did. …
A lost Mother & Wife's Apology
My husband... You and I had another fight... something stupid again and you just got home from work when I was asking you questions about our house that …
Regrets, Love and Relationships
Regret is often found in love, romance and relationships. We may regret choices we've made, words we've used or even actions we've taken (or not taken) …
Happy For Our Past. Sorry For Our Future.
To Ajay, the guy I could never have and maybe never will.. I am sorry for any hurt I have caused you, I am sorry for anything I might have said. I didn't …
I wanna be perfect for you.
X, I'm sorry that once again I made you feel as if I didn't care about us anymore. I know I fell asleep on you last night but there's more to that rather …
A Mountain Morning's Regret
Dear J... If only there was a verbal eraser for the things I said that morning. I really wasn't upset by your work, I was upset by something that's been …
Never ending sinking heart...
My dearest Andrew... In our 8 years of marriage I have continuously let you down, let our family down, and let myself down. I am ashamed of the way I acted …
Apology Letter of Love & Pain From Your Wife
When someone dies it is difficult to express sympathy, especially when it is someone you have not been close to or have been estranged from for quite sometime. …
I took too long to tell you how I feel
Dear Joe... The reason I broke things off with you last year was because I didn't think you would ever marry me and I had lost faith in our love.
My love for all time
Wesley, I know its almost 3 yrs since you died. My mind is never far from you. Oh how I wish to feel your touch and the warmth of your love. You don't …
I am sorry for slapping you.
My dear husband... Since we have separated I have prayed every single day for a reconciliation. After you cheated on me a third time with a third lady, …
I am sorry John,
Dear John, I know you will probably never see this, but if you were to one day see this I want you to know this, and I didn't have the courage to text …
Apology Letter to My Best Friend and Lover
To my best friend ever, the best lover ever, my best everything ever. I'm so sorry for fighting with you for so long. You have been more than patient, …
Sorry for my Anxiety and Depression
Dear Tom... I am sorry for being so scared and worried about the future. You are always so understanding and sweet enough to hear me out and have patience …
I Screwed Up... I'm Sorry.
To my love... This is my first time doing this so here it goes. I'm sorry for everything that I have put you through this past week. The fighting, yelling, …
Forgive Me Lisa
Lisa... I do not know if you ever forgave me. I am uncertain if you will ever let me know if you even could. I have not seen you for 3 years. Fitting it …
Cheated on Him While Pregnant
I cheated on him by flirting with another man. He caught me because that guy was one of his friends and he let him borrow his phone to use and he was logged …
Stepping All Over a Kindness . . .
After four decades passed since I last saw an old flame, out of the blue he contacted me via the internet through my website. It was wonderful to hear …
My Apologies JP
Dear JP... "Sometimes it lasts in love sometimes it hurts instead" .... those song lyrics sum it up perfectly. I never loved anyone quite the way I loved …
A Lover's Apology
Hey Wes, My Love, My Husband... I know that your in heaven and I miss you so much. It's almost been a year since you have gone. I know that you didn't …
As If A Death Has Occured
Through out the years of course there have been trials and tribulations. We have each had to learn about one another, learn about ourselves, and also …
I'm Sorry Melody....
It seems I have a knack of handling certain situations wrong or incredibly inappropriately and not putting your feelings first, leading to much heartache …
When Will the Old Dog Learn New Tricks?
It was probably a Friday night when I was running around trying to get this stupid machine to work while at work and the police officer (it's an emergency …
Love & Apologies
That old famous line "Love is never having to say your sorry" from the movie Love Story couldn't be more wrong. Apologizing to those you love is more …
To My Love (after our biggest fight ever)
Chris... These words can't undo the dry heaves & long night lying awake & the tears, dry mouth, shaking hands, and queasy stomach that you had to endure …
A Void Deeper than any Abyss - An apology for Bilal
My dearest,
When you needed me to leap without fear, I waited, even hesitated. When you gave me understanding for my fears, I squandered that chance. …
What if..?
Dear C.T (Where Are You?)... I'm posting this so the whole world can see it even though I know you will probably never read it. It's been 4 months since …
Never My Heart Will Change
August 20,2011...a few days before our anniversary...
Dear Dhie,
I was thinking of another way to show you my sincerity. I am trying this one out …
I Need You My Love...
When you write a romantic poem, or sing a song about love, it's a well known fact that if you can think of someone, dedicate it to them, it comes out with …
Apology to Karen
Dear Karen... I want you know just how sorry I am for what I did to you after our break up. For the treatment I subjected you to, and for creating in you, …
Love, Regret and So Very Sorry!
Heather, I know it's been a long time since either of us has made mention of "us". You've moved on, so have I, to a certain extent. But there's a little …
I Am Sorry For All My Mistakes :'(
As I lay here in my bed recalling all that I've learned, I am thinking about all that you and I have experienced and been through together (good and bad) …
The Lonely Lieutenant In Afghanistan
It was a cold December Morning
Snow was on the ground and I was not the least bit horny
Today was the day I had to say goodbye
To the woman one …
Words Will Never Suffice
Words can never express the pain that I feel for making you suffer in vain. Because of my feelings, because of my insecurities, because of my …
That One Special Girl
There's always that one girl that you will never forget. The one girl that will have your heart forever. That one girl that could make you smile on the …
Regrets and Apologies My Love
I'm sorry that we didn't work out, which was a shame because we really "got" each other. I'm sorry that we'll never get married and have kids together. …
We Are All Human
Pelon... There are not enough words to describe what your good-bye has left me with. This morning, I looked on your side of the closet, to realize that …
I Made a Mistake. I Sincerely Apologise.
Dear V...I started to write this the Sunday after we arrived in Cairns. I have only just been able to finish it. I can't begin to tell you how sorry I …
Forever, Always, Someday, Together.
Dear Noah... I spent the last hour trying to find a way to show you I really care and that I'm truly sorry. I don't know if publicly announcing it will …
Je T'aime... Je Suis Desoler!
Il n'y a pas de mots pour te dire a quel point je suis desoler pour ce que j'ai fait. Au plus profond de moi, je me suis senti briser quand tu m'a regetter …
I Am So Very Sorry My Love
Dear Jason... Words cannot express the amount of regret and sadness I have toward the way I had taken you for granted and blinded myself from experiencing …
I'm Sorry. I Apologise and I Love You!
My Love Mooney... There rests no doubt in my mind that you are the best thing I have ever had in my life. You have been a source of energy, inspiration …
I'm The One Ya Hear About
I wouldn't call this a GREAT apology story, but it is important and needs to be heard. This is one for the record books! It's embarrassing, humiliating, …
Forever Sorry
I have been cheating on my husband off and on for 6 years. I can say without doubt that the affair is over, but there is a long road ahead of me to repentance, …
Rude Words
My boyfriend and I just had a fight last week and it was not yet fixed up. We had an argument. Then I tried to talk to him by phone but it just grew bigger. …
Young Love
Hello..yes.."young love". I know what you're thinking, how old is she? Yes, I'm young but deeply in love and we just got into a huge fight over a little …
My Apology to Her
I miss my Ex-Girlfriend, I broke up with her earlier in the year because i was lost with football and school and friends and the whole deal. It was the …
Apology to my Husband
I regretfully, cheated on my husband and I feel so incredibly bad about it. I want to put our family (we have two little ones) back together. I have …
Love Letters Aren't Apology Letters
Whether you are husband and wife, lovers, or exes, when love is involved, writing how sorry you are will inevitably include the passion and devotion of a love letter.
The most important thing you can do, is to not let your emotions weaken your apology and make it less effective.

As always, when saying sorry to someone you love, all the standards elements of a proper apology need to be included. The 'love' aspect comes into play in how it's delivered and the emotions you express within the apology itself.
Finally, some choose to add something extra to express how sorry they are for hurting their partners and get inspiration from our romantic apologies page, while others choose to add an apology gift.
Either way, keep in mind that adding a romantic twist or gift should only serve to enhance your apology—the apology itself always needs to be the main focus.
Learn about other creative ways to say sorry and apologize.