The Perfect Apology Letter To A Girlfriend
Writing a beautiful apology letter to your girlfriend can be really hard. You stare at a blank screen or piece of paper not knowing where or how to start.
Get tips and guidelines, and get inspired by the letters below and learn how to apologize effectively to your girlfriend. They're all written by others who found themselves needing to make amends to the girlfriends in their lives.

The Best Letters of Apology to A Girlfriend Are Heartfelt
Saying sorry to someone you love is never easy because there's so much at stake. You're in crisis mode, panicked, and not necessarily thinking straight.
That's what makes writing a sincere apology letter to your girlfriend that much more difficult.
Whether you've been a jerk, guilty of hurting her, got caught lying to her, cheating on her, had a fight or have trust issues, you need to acknowledge what you've done and take full responsibility.
When passion is involved, feelings of regret and remorse reach a whole new level.
How To Apologize To Your Girlfriend
1. Start your letter by acknowledging her hurt and validating her feelings.
2. Tell her how sorry you are and how much you want to fix everything.
3. Be completely honest. Let her know how important she is to you.
4. Take full responsibility and ask her for forgiveness.
5. Promise and prove to her that it won't happen again.
Apology Letters To Girlfriends Written By Others
Read how sorry the authors are for hurting their girlfriends. Or, post your own online apology letter.
Sorry for the Past & For the Mistakes to Come
Love, I acknowledge my mistake for saying the "not should be mentioned endearment" to you. Believe me, it was a plain mistake, a brain fart. It doesn't …
Sorry Girlfriend, My Sincere Apology To You
Karthik....I honestly don’t know where to start with this. I was an absolute bitch to you, and I didn’t even realize it. You deserve the world and I gave …
To My Missed Soulmate I'm Sorry
Dear Cat...I apologize for how cowardly I was, for how I strung you along. I never meant to reel you in or toy with your emotions. I loved you then and …
Apology About Forgiveness for Forgiveness
Hey sweets, I have needed to hear those words from your mouth. I've needed this moment with you. I know you feel crippled at heart learning about all this …
Dear Heidi
My dearest Heidi (Hau Yau)... I've apologized in pages and utter sincerity for all the pain that I have caused you. But I will do it a thousand times more …
I Quite Miss Home
Where to start and what to say has always been the hardest part of things like this. Do I start from the part where I regret everything or the part where …
I love you Nina and I apologize. 💔
My dear cute looking bebe fofinha Nina... I'm not proud of myself and I'm aware of it... I would like to truly apologize to you, deep from my heart. That …
Sorry To The Most Precious & Amazing Girl
To Salena—the most precious and amazing girl in the world... I want to say sorry for everything. I've been a horrible friend and an even worse boyfriend. …
I'm Sorry Jane
Hi Jane... I know it's been a while since we last talked, much less seen each other. I also realize that I am years too late in telling you this, but I …
Emotions: A Play Off of M.J.
Let me start by saying how beautiful and important to me you are. Next I want you to know that I never meant to hurt you. It's the last thing I would ever …
I Never Deserved You, I'm Sorry
Years ago, when I was attending college in Oregon I met the love of my life. It was freshman year and you and I met in chemistry lab. I was instantly taken …
My apology Letter to my ex Girlfriend Chaang
Hello dear Chaang ... I can see you are happy now. When I think back of the day I left you alone and went out from your life, I can't imagine I did that …
My Last Apology to You
Where to begin first of all I don't even know if you're going to get or want to even read this letter.. I wanted to hand this to you in person but I don’t …
I'm Sorry: Our Online Relationship
My Sweetheart Daraksha... I know I caused you a lot of grief and sadness last night. I hurt you in ways which I can't probably imagine. You are right when …
In Honor of Letting You Go My Love
Dear Love... I'm writing this because I have no other way to communicate with you about the topic I'm about to dwell over. I've loved you for the longest …
A Letter of Love, I'm Sorry
I just want to hold you in my arms and never let you go. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, you are my life. I am so sorry, so embarrassed, …
I'm Deeply Sorry For Lying My Love
To the most important person in my life and my one true love... Sheila, I'm such a mess, but you know that--a real big mess. It was the look of hurt in …
My Apology for Lying
I've lied to people all my life. I have done it multiple times for no reason. I have also lied to the one true love in my life and I can't say enough about …
Apology Letter to My Ex-Girlfriend
Peyton... I don’t know what to say other than that I am so sorry, I truly am sorry. I cannot stop thinking about all of the pain that I have caused you …
A letter To My First Love
We were 16 when we first laid eyes, I never met someone like you before and afterwards. I was in love right then and there; I knew I could never escape …
An Apology Love Letter to Tala
To My Dearest... It's been a while, months have gone by and still.. it all seems like it was yesterday. I remember the days we spent in the mountains, …
Apology Letter To the One I Love
To The One I Love...I hope that you have been doing well. I write this not to beg for you. I am not trying to win you back or even change your heart. I …
Brook's Apology Letter to Christy
My Dearest Love, My Christy... I feel that an apology is simply not enough to make up for what I put you through during the last year of what is now our …
An Apology Letter to My Love, Samantha
Samantha, I'm really sorry. I've made you feel like you weren't good enough and that what you did wasn't good enough--and I didn't show appreciation. I …
I'm sorry, I love you, I'm stupid
Sorry.... I really don't want to leave, I don't really want to go without talking to you, hugging you, kissing you. I don't really want to leave beside …
Sorry To The Sweetest Girl
I don't often write letters like this but something inside me felt like it was the right thing to do. I hope this letter is not too late. I wanted more …
Sorry Letter to My Girlfriend
Words can't describe how sad I am right now knowing that you have given up on me. The worst part is knowing it is my own fault because I didn't listen …
Sorry Nicole
Nicole I know you will probably never read this, but I am so sorry for the way I was. When you left it left me broken beyond belief, and here, three months …
My Apology --Always and Forever
Dear Michele... I hope you read this. I hope everyone reads this. Because the whole world should know how much pain, hurt, how much I love you and how …
I'm Sorry. So Sorry Baby for the Way I Made you Feel!
Baby, you mean the world to me, and having you upset is the very last place I ever want to be!
Without the light you bring into my eyes, I think I'd …
I'm Sorry for Hurting You <3
I'm writing this message cause I feel really bad, thinking about the way I hurt you makes me really sad. I'm sorry for all the hurt I've caused you and …
A Sorry Letter to a Girlfriend Is Not A Love Letter
As you can see in the sample letters above, when love is involved, writing how sorry you are will inevitably include the passion and devotion of a love letter. The trick is in not letting your emotions weaken your apology or make it less effective.
You need to keep in mind that you're not writing a love letter, this is an apology first and foremost.

Need some help? Learn what to include in a sincere apology.
While some of our readers find inspiration in offering an apology gift and other ideas found on our romantic apologies page, others simply choose to write a sincere apology letter to their girlfriends.
Learn more about creative ways to say sorry and apologize.